I've been away from the blogosphere for quite some time with the exception of helping a friend build his little cyberspace soapbox FivePoundTrout.blogspot.com.
There has been little that has passed across my personal radar screen since the death of Terri Schiavo that has piqued my interest in quite that way or to that degree, but I must tell you that a recent cascade of events in my life has drawn into sharp focus the network of friends and family that I have across the planet supporting me in the most basic level, i.e. that they want for me to be happy, to live a good life, to enjoy the life and time that I have, and to follow my dreams without hesitation.
The irony of 2006 that has perplexed me is how it is that in the early months of this year nearly all of my income streams dried up one right after the other. It was bewildering seeing that coming to pass, but as has been the case my entire life something emerged - a new opportunity for employment in the medical field in a newly created position, uncharted territory, something so brand new. The timing was right. The position had first been offered to one of my closest friends, but she immediately declined to accept it. However, she equally quickly lobbed my name across the net as the "perfect" candidate. I interviewed and was hired to start the very next day.
Subsequently in the months since mid-April there has been a roiling stream of additional career opportunities and job offers -- none of which I had sought out, but all of which came to me -- and it has been as bewildering to suddenly have so many options as it was bewildering to see the income streams drying up earlier this year.
Among the things that have come my way without any effort on my part, without any prior knowledge that such openings were finding their way to me:
- an opportunity to work in a hospital pathology department
- an opportunity to return to the classroom and teach floriculture at a high school
- an opportunity to transcribe hours and hours of interviews with a Hollywood legend
- an opportunity to do the morning show on one of the last live, local radio stations
What does it all mean? What is The Universe trying to tell me? What's it all about, Alfie?
I've pondered these questions and their possible answers in recent days, weeks and months. It has been so life-affirming to be "chosen" for each of these situations, but I must admit that one of the most tantalizing has been the broadcasting opportunity.
Such contrast!
Medicine and broadcasting have long been my two greatest passions, really since early childhood. The irony that both have now converged in the current time to present this conundrum rendered an easy decision somewhat more complex that you might imagine.
I sought the input of close friends, family, former, fellow coworkers and in polling their opinions about what I should do, I was and am fascinated that every last one of them encouraged me to take the leap. No, not a 'flying leap', but to follow my heart and my gut, to stop over-analyzing it and 'just do it!'
I appreciate everyone's input, support and encouragement. The conclusion I eventually came to after playing out all of the possible scenarios is that indeed I could go either way and that regardless of what decision I ultimately made all of those whom I consider my friends and family would support and love me no matter what I did. It was something of a revelation to really experience the unconditional love and support in this way, from so many different directions, such a recognition of what this decision would mean in my life. I can't get over the amount of comfort that was contained in all of those lengthy telephone conversations and e-mail discussions supporting me in my decision -- either way.
Ultimately I made a decision yesterday to continue in the medical career path that I undertook in April. Instead of looking at this particular radio opportunity as perhaps the very last one of its kind ever, I was eventually able to conclude that perhaps this is merely another door opening to still greater possibilities. It is my hope that this decision will prove to have been a wise one in the long-term. However, no matter what the future holds I know Who holds the future and that I will be fine either way surrounded and supported by the friends and family who spoke from their hearts to give me their endorsement of whatever career path or life decisions I make. Having that kind of a support system gives me incredible reassurance and sets my heart and mind at peace with the decision.