Minutes ago it was announced that Sirius/XM Satellite Radio worked out a deal to avoid bankruptcy, but obviously they’re hanging on by the skin of their teeth…
What do you think of Sirius/XM being on the brink of folding? Howard Stern’s deal and the other overpaid talents and not-so-talented have gored the cash cow…
Yeah, satellite radio made a big splash...whoopee! Look how long that lasted! It will be flippin’ hilarious if the whole dang satellite radio industry goes belly up and the world goes back to AM radio! Ha-ha-ha!!! Don’t count AM out just yet!
For that matter, we could bring back AM Stereo! Now there's a technology that never had a chance to get off the ground; let's bring it back for another go-round.
I know you’ve got satellite radio in your Lexus, Avalanche, and Escalade and enjoy it on the open raod (who wouldn’t?) but I just think it is time for all these ludicrously, obscenely, shamefully overpaid people – whether in radio, television, movies or the sports world – to come get their feet back down on the ground. Welcome back to tera firma. Come back to the REAL WORLD here on Planet Earth where the rest of us live…
The whoremongers of satellite radio have bankrupted their own industry.
"Now we come to the end of another broadcast day...er, uh, era..."